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Know The Mythos

The Ash Tyrant's Mythos was founded by a fellow gamer like most of us here. Technology has made monumental leaps and bounds in the last 30 years and we intend to make the most out of it so anyone with a vision, and the passion to go beyond the game, can make their vision a reality. Much like this gaming platform us gamers have and are ever building here in so that we can make a living simply doing more of what we already love to do. Be it playing games, editing, graphic designing, making music, script writing you name it. This is a based community who's spirit is grounded in science and reality that won't bend the knee to corporate interests over it's member base ;) If you want to understand the blood and bones of The Ash Tyrant, click on The Heart of TAT to unveil how we operate under what values. If you want to see the driving forces that make to powers of TAT, click on Faces of TAT and discover your favorite streamers, editors, graphic designers and so much more!!

Become An Ash Tyrant

Done reading, sitting back and waiting for shit to happen? Let's do it! Joining is free and if you want to add skills or expand on them within our gaming platform then closed mouths don't get fed, say something! Wanna be a competetive player? Tryout for one of our TAT teams. Wanna become an editor or streamer? We have select editors and streamers that can help with that. But none of this is possible without the support of members like you! If you believe in what we do and want to support us directly so others can also realize their ambitions and provide you content and services you continue to enjoy, without the narratives of modern propaganda... The door is open, so what are you waiting for? Join the community and Become An Ash Tyrant!!

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